Wednesday 27 April 2011

déjà vu

A sudden flux of deja vu, acting timeless with their similar bone structures, Emma and Mia both so pretty.

Monday 18 April 2011

Friday 15 April 2011

arabian princess

Alex Perry Rosemount fashion week collection, like a princess.

Thursday 14 April 2011

winter woolies

love this jumper!

My new beanie <3

vroom vroom

It is one twenty and I am watching Wanted because I can't sleep, wish i had a car like the one they just wrecked. I want a nice Porsche Boxster Spyder, would be lovely fates please and thank you.

Sunday 10 April 2011


Blake Lively for the new Chanel Mademoiselle Handbags - Karl Largerfeld

Saturday 2 April 2011

The Switch

I can actually say with conviction that this is in the top of top movies I have seen recently. Hesitant at first thinking just another rom-com I was pleasantly proved otherwise...this is pure gold! The little boy in it was so articulate and cute ohmigosh and Bateman pulled this off perfectly. Given coming from the directors of Juno and Little Miss Sunshine, seriously sahhh good.
This is not a trailer, just listen to the way he speaks, again golden.